Die El Remanso Lodge liegt an der südlichen Pazifikküste zwischen Puerto Jimenez und Carate, in der Nähe des bekannten Corcovado Nationalparks. Umgeben von einem ausgedehnten privaten Naturreservats mit vielen Wanderwegen ist El Remanso Teil des Peninsula Osa Naturschutzgebietes. Die 14 komfortablen und farbenfrohen Gästezimmer, Bungalows und Villen, sind modern ausgestattet und bieten eine faszinierende Aussicht auf das Meer oder den Regenwald. Das hauseigene Restaurant mit Bar liegt auf einer Terrasse über einer Schlucht, mit unvergesslichem Blick auf den Tropenwald darunter. Die Lodge verfügt auch über einen erfrischenden Pool mit großer Holzterrasse, auf der sich die Gäste entspannen und den Sonnenuntergang genießen können. Nur als Paket buchbar.

El Remanso Rainforest Lodge ***

Adress Puerto Jiménez, Península de Osa
Location Corcovado
Phone +506 2735 5569
Homepage https://elremanso.com
Fax --
E-mail info@elremanso.com

Seasons and Rates

Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (1 - 11)Child Notes
Classic Bungalow 595 810 1020 1240 135 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Deluxe Villa w/plunge pool 855 1090 1290 1440 135 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tour
All meals and taxes included. Transport from Pto. Jimenez is not included
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (1 - 11)Child Notes
Classic Bungalow 795 1070 1275 1500 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Deluxe Villa w/plunge pool 1065 1390 1620 1820 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tour
Poniente Room 590 880 1065 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Superior Ocean View 655 980 1170 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
All meals and taxes included. Transport from Pto. Jimenez is not included
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (1 - 11)Child Notes
Classic Bungalow 1190 1190 1395 1620 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Deluxe Villa w/plunge pool 1560 1560 1785 2060 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tour
Poniente Room 980 980 1185 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Superior Ocean View 1100 1100 1305 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
All meals and taxes included. Transport from Pto. Jimenez is not included
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (1 - 11)Child Notes
Classic Bungalow 1190 1190 1395 1620 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Deluxe Villa w/plunge pool 1560 1560 1785 2060 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tour
Poniente Room 980 980 1185 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Superior Ocean View 1100 1100 1305 195 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
All meals and taxes included. Transport from Pto. Jimenez is not included
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (1 - 11)Child Notes
Classic Bungalow 795 1070 1275 1500 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Deluxe Villa w/plunge pool 1065 1390 1620 1820 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tour
Poniente Room 590 880 1065 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Superior Ocean View 655 980 1170 145 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
All meals and taxes included. Transport from Pto. Jimenez is not included
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Rooms SingleSingle DoubleDouble TripleTriple QuadrupleQuad Child (1 - 11)Child Notes
Classic Bungalow 630 880 1095 1300 135 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Deluxe Villa w/plunge pool 895 1170 1380 1540 135 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tour
Poniente Room 495 720 915 135 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
Superior Ocean View 555 810 960 135 Incl. three meals, transfer pj and tours
All meals and taxes included. Transport from Pto. Jimenez is not included
Meals BreakfastBreakfastBKF LunchLunchLUN DinnerDinnerDIN MAP FAP All inclusiveAll inclusiveAll incl.
Price per adultAdultAdult includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes
Price per childChildChild includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. includedincl.incl. yes

Wir danken all unseren Gästen herzlich, die wir seit 1994 in der schönsten Zeit des Jahres - ihrem wohlverdienten Urlaub - betreuen durften. Bei der Ausarbeitung der Reiseprogramme für Gruppen und Individualreisende, der Auswahl unserer lokalen Servicepartner und dem Wohlbefinden unserer Gäste setzen wir auf bestmögliche Qualität. Seit der Gründung von Amadeus Travel sind wir dem nachhaltigen Tourismus als einziger zukunftsfähiger Tourismusform verpflichtet. Dies setzen wir u.a. mit sozialem Engagement, dem Besuch und der Unterstützung privater und staatlicher Naturschutzgebiete sowie der Schulung unseres Teams und der erfahrenen, lizenzierten Reiseleiter um.